Dear team HSOBC,
I would like to start by thanking everyone for the phenomenal response to the #BleedBlue challenge last Saturday. For those that did not see the social media updates, the boat club community of families, staff & coaches, alumnae and rowers ran, walked, rowed (ergos) and cycled over 2.7 million meters in 226 hours with an additional 58 hours of circuits, weights and yoga. This really was a fantastic day, showcasing the amazing HSOBC community and spirit.
HSOBC Saturday Challenge #2
Every year our senior rowers take part in the Women's Eights Head of the River Race (WEHORR) on behalf of a charity which we as a club raise money for. WEHORR had to be cancelled this season so we are challenging HSOBC to walk, run or row the WEHORR race distance of 6.8km (Chiswick to Putney - on The Boat Race course) in support of our chosen charity for 2020: The Oxford Hospitals Charity
We have asked that all HSOBC donations via our Just Giving page (link below) go to the day treatment unit for chemotherapy which has provided amazing care to many of our friends, colleagues and family members over the years.
If you can give anything at all please follow the link below to our Just Giving page to make a donation.
The page is currently open for donations and will close on Monday 30th March 2020.
We are encouraging the HSOBC community to wear something pink and run, walk or row 6.8km this Saturday, we would love to see pictures of you and your family taking part so please do tag hsobc_rowing on any twitter or instagram posts you make and photos can be sent by email to the head of rowing.
If you are unable to leave the house or undertake physical activity at all it would be great to get a photo of you and your family wearing pink is support of our charity. If you don't feel up to the full 6.8km please feel free to run, walk or row what you can in support of the Oxford Hospitals Charity. I would ask that you also please help spread the word about our amazing charity and our fundraising campaign.
Government advice and Social Distancing
Current government rules allow us to head outside for the purposes of exercise once per day but please can I remind everyone that we should only be doing so with members of our own household so please do not meet up with anyone else to undertake this challenge or any other outdoor exercise.
If government instructions change with regards outdoor exercise before Saturday please follow them and I will update you if plans for this challenge need to change.
Thank you all again for your support and enthusiasm as we pull together as a community in this time of great difficulty and I look forward to seeing your photos and social media posts on Saturday.
Stay safe and healthy
Best wishes,
Chris Hermes
Head of Rowing Headington School Oxford