Dear Parents and Guardians
Burway Small Boats Head is approximately 3000 m upstream race held under British Rowing Rules of Racing in three divisions starting at 09.30, 12.00 and 14.00. We have entered into the 1st and 2nd division; Headington have entered crews in the J14 - J15 categories.
Please note that all girls should use school transport to get to the event unless she has permission via email from the Head of Rowing to meet us at Burway, if dropping your daughter off please ensure that she is there no later than; 8:00am for division 1, 11am for division 2.
Burway Rowing Club
Thames Side, Staines, TW18 1UQ
Transport will be provided both ways. Expected departure at 6:40am at the latest. Please meet outside the school gym at 6:30am. Please note that there are boarders and girls who may be sleeping. THE GIRLS MUST NOT MAKE ANY NOISE while waiting outside the boarding house. Transport is also available back from Kingston at the end of the days racing.
If your daughter is racing in Division 2 only you are welcome to bring them to the race yourself, in this case please let me know your intention to do so via email and ensure that your daughter is at the race venue in adequate time.
If your daughter is racing in division 1 only you are welcome to collect her from the race after she has finished racing. The girls will be excused by their coaches once their boats have been derigged and loaded onto the trailer.
The Draw:
Headington crews have been confirmed with the rowers this week at training. Any girls still recovering from injury or illness (or who have only just returned to training this week) will not be entered to race.
Division 1: J15s & J14s
Division 2: J15s & J14s
Please note that there will be no training on Saturday for those who are not racing at Burway.
Kit and Food
The girls will need:
- Water bottles with electrolyte replacement fluid.
- Food - appropriate for race day, if you are not sure what to bring please have the girls ask their coaches
- A good breakfast before departing (eg: Porridge, toast and a banana).
- Make sure to have a meal for after the race, such as pasta and banana / fruit and some food for after the training row.
- Kit: It will be cold and possibly wet so training and racing kit will be needed.
Make sure you have enough warm and waterproof kit for when you are sitting around. Coxes and athletes will not be allowed to boat if they are not properly attired for the weather conditions.
- Appropriate footwear as it may be quite muddy.
Please see the following documents:
All event safety documents can be found on the event website