Dear Team HSOBC,
There was an awesome response from the HSOBC community to the Saturday Challenge last weekend, thank you to everyone who took part! The junior squads completed over 1000km in their distance challenge with the J13 squad covering the most distance by only 1km over the J14s!
The J15 to Senior squads took on a number of US rowing teams over 6x500m on the ergo, the girls did exceptionally well with the J16 and Senior girls placing 2nd and 1st respectively in the Varsity openweight (VO) and Varsity lightweight (VL) categories, on an individual level Leonie won the VL by a wide margin and the Headington trio of Clauda, Molly and Jessie were the top 3 in VO. The J15s were also able to win the overall Freshman category with Maggie placing 3rd individually.
Congratulations are also in order to Coach Cam (Novices) who won the staff women's competition as well as Mrs Mahoney who won the parents women's category and Mr Martin who came 2nd in the parents men's event! Full results can be found on the Legacy Virtual Challenge instagram.
Saturday Altitude Challenge: 2nd May 2020
We have done the distance challenges but now we are doing the altitude challenge! How high can HSOBC collectively climb and/or jump? and which squad can contribute the most? There are lots of ways you can take part to help keep active, either at home or on your daily outdoor exercise:
- Hill Climbs
You could cycle, run or walk up a nearby hill(s) recording your elevation gain using Strava or any altimeter mobile app.
- Stairs
Record how many times you climb your stairs, this is approx 2.5m per flight so if you climb your stairs 20 times that's 50m.
- Jumps
If you do the following body weight circuit you will have jumped about 10 meters
20x Squat Jumps
20x Star Jumps
20x Burpees (with jump)
20x Lunge Jumps
5 sets would be 50m for the challenge. Add some core stability and arms exercises between the jumps if you want to extend the circuit.
- Skipping
100 skips would amount to about 10m, so a good skipping session could really add up!
Please complete the form linked below to submit your meters climbed or jumped for the challenge and bring home the win for your year group and get HSOBC as high as possible:
This is another chance for each squad to compete against each other for bragging rights! Which year group will climb or jump the highest this week??
As always photos of you and your family completing the challenge are always welcome via email or Instagram or dropped in the google folder emailed out earlier this week.
Government advice and Social Distancing As with the challenge last week; current government rules allow us to head outside for the purposes of exercise once per day but please can I remind everyone that we should only be doing so with members of our own household so please do not meet up with anyone else to undertake this challenge or any other outdoor exercise. If government instructions change with regards outdoor exercise before Saturday please follow them and I will update you if plans for this challenge need to change. I look forward to seeing your photos and social media posts on Saturday (@hsobc_rowing), keep an eye on the HSOBC instagram to see how we are getting on with the challenge! If you have any questions please do let me know. Stay safe and healthy Best wishes,