The Junior Sculling Head is being run at Dorney Lake over 3600 meters. Headington have entered crews into the J14 , J15, J16 and Senior age groups.
Please note that all girls should use school transport (see transport section below for timings and information) to get to the event but if you wish to drop your daughter off at the race venue please let me know by email so I know not to expect them on the bus.
If dropping your daughter off please ensure she has liaised with her coach regarding when she should arrive at the venue for her race.
Rower drop off and/or pick up is at Dorney Lake.
The race venue address is:
Dorney Lake
Off Court Lane
The Draw:
The draw can be found on the event website.
All crews will race 3600 meters. This will be broken down into two 1800 meter time trial style racing.
The girl's crews will be confirmed at training early this week (if they have not been already).
If your daughter is told she is racing but is in fact now unavailable for any reason please let me know as soon as possible.
We will provide two timing slots for transport.
J15s- Seniors
A minibus for Seniors to J15s will depart the school gym at 7am.Please meet outside the school gym at 6:50am.
SNRs, J16s and J15s will return to a normal school day.
The J14s should come straight to the gym at the start of Period 1
A bus for J14 will depart school at 9am.
The girls will be brought back to school after racing for approximately 4pm barring any delays to racing or poor traffic.
Please note that there are boarders and girls who may be sleeping during the morning departures. The ROWERS MUST NOT MAKE ANY NOISE while waiting outside the boarding house. Transport will be available back from Dorney to school for all rowers. If being collected by parents after racing; no girls may depart the event until the trailer has been fully loaded and/or they have been dismissed by their coach.
Itinerary: Junior Sculling Head - Friday 22nd March 2024
Please note that there are many girls racing and that it is their responsibility that they follow the coaches instructions and the timings below.
J15s to Seniors
0650: Meet outside school gym
0700: Minibus departs from Headington.
0800: Bus arrives at venue - begin rigging boats
from 09:30 to 1200: Racing
1200: Boats derigged and loaded onto the trailer
13:00: Return back to school
08:30: Meet at the school gym
0900: Depart school for Dorney Lake
1310: J14's approximate race start
16:00: Approximate departure time from race venue - the girls will be able to contact parents when we are departing Dorney.
1700: Approximate return time to Headington
No girl may depart before their boat and blades have been fully loaded onto the trailer and they have been dismissed by their coaches.
 Kit and FoodÂ
The girls will need:
- A Large water bottle (1L) with electrolyte replacement fluid.
- Food - appropriate for race day, if you are not sure what to bring please have the girls ask their coaches
- A good breakfast before departing (eg: Porridge, toast and a banana).
- A snack for after each set of races (if doing more than 1). If not sure what to bring; your daughter's coach can advise her.
- Kit: The girls will be required to race in a HSOBC lycra and white t-shirt, in the event of wet or cold weather the girls may wear HSOBC leggings and splash jackets. If they do not have any HSOBC kit yet please let me know.
Parking information for the day has been published on the event website, please see the following notice from the event organisers:
Special Notes for 2024:
The head is run when the ground at Dorney is very wet so parking space is limited, we cannot use the normal car parking grass or the back trailer field. In discussions with those who run the facility we have had to accept that we have to limit the number of cars, and our estimate is that if we allow cars carrying competitors but not those solely used by spectators to come then we can stay within acceptable limits. As a result we are sorry but we cannot allow cars carrying just spectators to enter the facility. We appreciate this may disappoint some people and we intend to set up a fixed point webcam so that at least some visibility of racing will be available via a link on the website.
I am afraid that this means that parents will not be admitted to the venue to spectate this year unless bringing athletes with them (we are travelling with the athletes from school on buses). I am extremely disappointed in this decision from the organisers and have made my feelings known via the appropriate channels.
I am very sorry for those of you who are disappointed in not being able to attend the race on Friday but this decision has been made by the organisers and is out of our control.
Policies and Documents
The following documents should be read/reviewed by all girls competing this weekend:
All rowers should also note the boating times for each race on the race schedule. Â
Any other safety documentation including risk assessments and welfare policy for the event can be found on the event website.Â
If there are any changes to the information provided above I will email them to parents with as much notice as possible.